Untitled Document
Partipating Nation
Asian Country
European Country
Oceania Country
Africa Country
South America Country
North America Country
Middle East
Special Guest
2nd-International Conference meeting
´ë»ç - Interview to the Ambassador of Ch¡¦
3-Intemational Conference on Foreiners W¡¦
10th ICFW Conference Meeting -SPEECH
´ë»ç - Interview to the Ambassador of Ve¡¦
6-International Conference Meeting
6-International Conference Meeting
8th-International Conference Meeting
Interview to the Ambassador of Peru
8th-International Conference Meeting
´ë»ç Interview to the Ambassador of B¡¦
Interview to the Ambassdor of Ecuador
´ë»ç Interview to the Ambassador of E¡¦
what's new
icfw ½Å±¤¿È¸Àå attended 46 anniver¡¦
53rd United Arab Emirates National ¡¦
icfw ½Å±¤¿È¸Àå 54th Oman National¡¦
icfw ½Å±¤¿È¸Àå Shin K Yul attended¡¦
80th Anniversary of Liberation of B¡¦
memorable moment...
icfw ½Å±¤¿È¸ÀåÀÌ ¸»ÇÏ´Â Á¹¾÷½ÄÀÇ ¡¦
½Å±¤¿È¸Àå( plan in 2017 for Lady T¡¦
2015 ´Ù¹®È°¡Á· ¼ºÅºÀý Çà»ç (ÀÎõ´ä¡¦
2015 ´Ù¹®È°¡Á· ¼ºÅºÀý Çà»ç (ÀÎõ´ä¡¦
¿À´ÃÀº Çѱ۳¯ÀÔ´Ï´Ù icfw ½Å±¤¿È¸¡¦
icfw ½Å±¤¿È¸ÀåÀÇ a special lectur¡¦
icfw ½Å±¤¿È¸Àå Ưº°°ÀÇ president¡¦
A special lecture at the korea to¡¦
ICFW International Conference on Fo¡¦
2nd International Migrants Day 2012
Happy New Year 2025.
A message from the ICFW Chairman on¡¦
icfw½Å±¤¿È¸Àå greeting to foreigne¡¦
icfw½Å±¤¿È¸Àå Happy Lunar New Year¡¦
¼¿ïÇýȵ¿ ·ÎÅ͸® ´Ù¹®ÈÀåÅÍ Multi¡¦
Miss Korea & Miss IMS
icfw Covid-19 Photo Theater : 50th ¡¦
1st Miss IMS Pageant ( Multicultura¡¦
ICFW & PPCWC Art Gallery
ICFW & PPCWC Art Gallery and Outdoo¡¦
ppcwc academy
please wait for while, we are organ¡¦
ppcwc symphony orchestra
icfw ½Å±¤¿È¸Àå talked about the 1¡¦
The ppcwc symphony orchestra that i¡¦
ppcwc fashion show
The ppcwc fashion show for the elde¡¦